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Biografia de Fernando de Fuentes hi


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Cine y TelevisiónFernando de Fuentes hi (0000-0000) Cine y Televisión
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Born in Mexico City on October 13, 1928. Died on October 25, 1991, in Houston Texas. Son of Fernando De Fuentes Carrau and Magdalena Reyes Moran. He started in the film industry at a very young age, as assistant “script” later he worked as assistant scenic director, but soon he realized that his true call was as a film producer.
De Fuentes Reyes produced his first film for “Diana Films” on 1954: “Escuela de Vagabundos”, one of Pedro Infante’s greatest hits. He was in charge of the motion picture production company called “Diana Films” from 1954 until 1983, during that time he produced more than 30 films, not only Mexican films, but also many co-productions wich Spain, Italy and Argentina.
He co-produced with Spain, one of Mexico’s greatest films, “El Niño y el Muro” staring Yolanda Varela and Daniel Gelin, and directed by Ismael Rodriguez. This film was made in Berlin in 1964, during a very complicated time, while the Berlin Wall was being built. “El Niño y el Muro” was awarded the “Selection of the Jury Award“ on the “Mar de Plata Festiva”l in1965. In the same year, the film received “La Carabela de Plata” of the “Valladolid Film Festival” in Valladolid Spain.
In 1966, Fernando De Fuentes Reyes was elected President of the Film Producers and Distributors Association of the Mexican Film Industry, he was reelected four times. He produced a series of the greatest blockbusters films of the Spanish speaking market, the “India Maria “films staring Maria Elena Velasco as la India Maria. Those films (10 of them) were family comedies that are still very popular in all the spanish speaking countries, and also in the United States.
He was Vice-president of the “International Federation of the Film Producers Association” radicated in Paris, France, in which he represented the Film Industry of the whole American Continent, for 12 years. Since 1983 he headed “Televicine S.A.” producing more than 50 films. He created one of the most important Mexican film distribution companies up to date “Videocine”. He was Vice –president of the Film and Television Division of Televisa.
Fernando de Fuentes R. married the film actress Yolanda Varela on March 11. 1960, with whom he had 4 children. He died in Houston Texas of heart disease in October 25, 1991.
On 1992 he was awarded by the Mexican Academy of the Arts and Sciences the “Ariel de Oro” for a life dedicated to the Mexican Film Industry.

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